NBVA #1 Tournament – 13 to 14 November 2021

The NBVA # 1 Tournament on Saturday 13 November and 14 November 2021 at Manly Beach Volleyball Courts and the Qualification B Tournament on Saturday 20 November 2021.



Saturday 13 November 2021

Sunday 14 November 2021:

Based on the ranking the main draw will consist of
AAA: 8 teams / AA: 8 teams / A: 8 teams and
BBB: 8 teams / BB: 8 teams / B: 8 teams

When you sign up you can pre-select Division 1 (AAA/AA/A) – Saturday or Division 2 (BBB/BB/B) – Sunday to play in, it’s an open registration (based on seeding points).  However, this does not guarantee you into that division and into the tournament until registration & event payment closes.  The final seeding will be published by Friday, 12 November 2021 via Facebook and the NBVA website to show you which division and day you will be playing on.  Players will also be contacted by email on Friday.

After the top 24 Teams Register for AAA/AA/A on the Saturday, any lower teams will be bumped to the BBB/BB/B registration.  If there is a wait list of teams, the overflow ‘Qualification B Tournament’ will be scheduled the following Saturday 20 November 2021.

When you complete your teams Event Registration and view the Registered Teams list this is an indicative seeding list.  If there is an over subscription of teams, those teams that do not make it into the divisions will be put on a waiting list.  Any wait listed teams will be notified by Friday evening if a team withdraws.

For more details see below.


Saturday 13 November 2021: 7:30am – 5:00pm
Sunday 14 November 2021: 7:30am – 5:00pm


– AAA/AA/A Division Modified Pool Play (max 8 teams per division)
– BBB/BB/B Division Modified Pool Play (max 8 teams per division)


Prices are as follows:

  • Full NBVA Member – $20
  • Casual – $30 (plus $20 Single Event (bronze) Membership paid to Volleyball NSW)
  • Affilliate – $30
  • U19/U13 NBVA Full Member – $10
  • U19/U13 Affiliate – $20
  • U19/U13 Casual – $20 (plus $20 Single Event (bronze) Membership paid to Volleyball NSW)


Please go to the NBVA Tournament Registration page at: https://nbva.org.au/event-registration/.

Make sure to use your proper name and each partner’s individual email when completing the Event Registration and Event Payment online.  You and your team will have received an email with details of your registration and a link to the Entry Fee Payment.  (If you have not received an email please check your JUNK folder).

Alternatively once you have registered your team you can pay by the following the event payment link at: https://nbva.org.au/product/nbva-tournament-entry-variable/ and enter your name as exactly as it appears in the registered teams table.

Highest seeded teams registered and paid by the deadline will receive entry to the division selected and until the maximum number of teams have been reached.  All other teams will be placed on the wait list if there is an over subscription of teams. If there is a tie in points priority will go to NBVA member teams with a seeding score, over Affiliated members (e.g. Coogee) and Casuals at the time of the registration/event payment deadline.
If there is also a tie in points current NBVA Tournament results for the 2020 season, ABVRS Seeding and who registered first at the discretion of the NBVA Committee will be reviewed.

Note: As a trial for NBVA #1, both the winner and runner up of each division- Qualification B thru A will be promoted to the higher division for the next Tournament. Only the winner of the AA tournament will receive an automatic promotion to AAA. In order for the promotion to be valid, the team must play NBVA #2 as the same team pairing. We welcome your feedback to this trial – please email info@nbva.org.au to share your thoughts.

Wild cards may be awarded under discretion of the NBVA committee.  Wild card entry teams can send an email to info@nbva.org.au by 12pm on Wednesday 10 November 2021 including details supporting their request by providing tournament results and career highlights.

Registration and payment closes – 12pm on Wednesday 10 November 2021.  No late registrations allowed.


7.30am-7:45am Both players must be checked in at the Tournament Desk by 7:45am.
7:45am Players Meeting
8.00am First games start
As always be sure to be on time to guarantee entry.


Just a friendly reminder from the NBVA that we need to adhere to the current health restrictions as directed by the NSW Government. At this current time competitors aged 16 years or older must be fully vaccinated prior to the competition in order to enter. As part of the NBVA’s COVID-19 Safety Plan all competitors will be required to check in with the Service NSW app and provide proof of vaccination status on the morning of competition so please come prepared with your vaccination certificate or proof of age if under 16. The NBVA appreciates your understanding and cooperation as we all look forward to returning to competitions which are open to everyone as soon as possible.


Prizes for 1st and 2nd place in each division.


For all NBVA Tournaments there are uniform requirements:
  • AAA / AA / A divisions: matching uniforms are mandatory.
  • BBB / BB / B divisions: matching uniforms are optional, however strongly recommended.
Matching uniforms are defined as:
  • Men’s: Matching NBVA 2021/22 STAR Singlets
  • Women’s: Matching NBVA 2021/22 Budgy Smuggler Tops or Matching NBVA 2021/22 STAR Singlets
For AAA / AA  / A divisions mandatory requirements:
  • If requirements are not met, match will be forfeited 2-0 (21-0, 21-0)
  • Players may use last season’s matching NBVA 2020/21 Season Sportility Singlets or Budgy Smuggler Tops as a back-up or second uniform
  • In the scenario of environmental conditions or injury, Players are permitted to wear compression or other garments underneath their uniform
  • Any exceptions are at the discretion of the NBVA Tournament Director


NBVA will run the Qualification B Tournament for NBVA #1 on Saturday 20 November 2021. This will be held the week following the originally scheduled tournament to cater for those who were unable to compete within the existing 48 team tournament. The tournament is designed to cater towards new players or players with less than the points required to make it into the top 48.

NBVA #1  event is scheduled on Saturday 13 November and Sunday 14 March 2021. The NBVA Qualification B Tournament will be held on Saturday 20 November from 7:30am @ Manly Beach.

There will be a maximum of 20 teams per gender. Adjustment to the format and entries may also be required to suit the final number of teams at the discretion of NBVA.


7.30am-7:45am Both players must be checked in at the Tournament Desk by 7:45am.
7:45am Players Meeting
8.00am First games start
As always be sure to be on time to guarantee entry.

A tournament spot will be secured through the Qualification B Tournament that will be given for the winning team at the next NBVA 2-day tournament (NBVA #2 on 4-5 December 2021). All players will also earn seeding points.

If teams on the waitlist cannot play the Qualification B Tournament please email info@nbva.org.au by Tuesday, 16 November, 12pm and a refund will be processed.


We will be randomly selecting the set up and pack down crew from teams registered to share the workload. You will be contacted by Friday if you have been selected to be part of the set up or pack down crew. We appreciate your cooperation in this.


Please note that players are required to have a current Volleyball NSW Membership for the 2021-22 Season (Valid 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022). This is either a yearly or casual (single event) membership, which is required on top of the NBVA Tournament Entry Fee.  Please make sure to select the correct tournament entry fee if you are a NBVA member or an Casual/Affiliate as these are different prices.
Follow the link for all NBVA membership information as well as how to sign up for your Volleyball NSW Membership: https://nbva.org.au/membership/


Keep up to date with the latest tournament information on our NBVA #1 Tournament 13-14 November 2021 Facebook page.

NBVA Terms and Conditions of Sale can be found by clicking the link.