How To Register and Pay for a NBVA Tournament

Check your name against NBVA past results

First if you’ve played an NBVA tournament in the past check what name you have registered under by having a look at the full season results which you can find under the Tournaments menu.

For example lets pick the name Alexander Gibbons

Register for the tournament

Go to the tournament registration page and enter your name and your partners EXACTLY as it appears in the results table. If this is your first time registering for a tournament with NBVA then just enter your name as you would normally.

Check your NBVA points in registration

Now that you have successfully registered for an NBVA tournament, go to the Registered Teams page and scroll down and check that your points have been allocated to your registration.

At this stage you won’t have paid for your entry so your name will appear in red with NP(Not Paid) next to your name and it will be Waitlisted. To get off the waitlist you and your partner BOTH need to pay your Tournament Event Fee.

Paying Your Own Tournament Event Fee

To pay your Event Entry Fee you need to purchase “NBVA Tournament Entry Fee” product.
If you are paying for yourself, enter your name in the Billing details section EXACTLY as you entered it for registration.

Continue on and “Place Order” then enter your Credit Card details and click Pay.

(Optional) Paying your Partners Tournament Entry Fee

You can also pay for your partner (or child etc). In this case the Billing Details will be different to the Member details.

First enter the Card Holder’s name and address in the Billing Details section.

Then select “YES” to the “Are the billing details DIFFERENT to the MEMBER details” question.

A section will appear where you can enter the Member details. Make sure that the name used here is EXACTLY the same as what you used for registration otherwise your payment won’t be marked against your name.

You’ve now registered, payed, got your previous results points allocated to you and are good to play.

Thank you and see you at the tournament.